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  • Lip Dermal Filler


Lip Filler | RJ CLINIC
Lip Filler | RJ CLINIC

Having sexy, full and luscious plump lips is one of the hardest thing to achieve with just lipsticks and lip gloss if the shape of the lips is not ideal.  So do you want to have Angelina Jolie lips?
So what is your ideal lip?  Everyone is born with a different lip shape which may not suit you.  But with lip dermal fillers, your lip shape can be further perfected and enhanced to your you and your face.
HA-based fillers are used in this treatment. At Renee Clinic, we use a low viscosity, high cohesivity filler to achieve a soft and subtle lips yet long lasting results.
Most common lip shapes that are being requested are M-shape lips, and Asian 3-Pout lips. Both Asians and Caucasians have different requirement for their lip shape.

11 years of experience, over 100,000 treatments performed

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