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RJ CLINIC BHRT hormone replacement Therapy


Bio-identical means that the hormones that are being prescribed is 100% identical to the ones already exist in your body. And you may ask then, are there any hormones available in the market that are NOT bio-identical.
The answer is YES,  most (99%) hormones available is the drug stores are NOT bio-identical. The big pharma companies, to make their drug special, added or modify the molecules into special molecules so that they can patent the drug and make much higher profit. Hence you may see these drugs are being registered and patented with different names although a few may give similar results.
So, in very simple words, BHRT means doctors that are trained in this field, uses bio-identical hormones (100% identical) to treat patients that needed these hormones. In RJ Aesthetic clinic, Dr Cheok will be well versed to properly advice you on this.


RJ CLINIC BHRT hormone replacement Therapy


What makes human really special from plants are that human body has so many hormones that don’t occur in plants. Human body is filled with many hormones that intertwined talking to each other, making sure each sub-units are working perfectly fine.
So, one can say hormones are like the post man or messenger in the body. So, imagine these ‘post men’ malfunction, dysregulated or simply absconded from work. These will cause each sub-units in our body to work at their own without any direction or simply stop working because there were no instructions received from the post men.
Hence, patients with dysregulated or depleted hormones in their body should have their hormones regulated and optimized so they can feel better, healthier and younger. For example, menopausal women, andropausal with erectile dysfunction, overweight, metabolic syndrome, subclinical hypothyroidism, and more.
Generally, for women, you should consider getting BHRT if you are moody, obese, have difficulty falling asleep, falling hair and bad skin, bad acne or feeling lousy and poor sex life after menopausal age.
For men, however, you should consider getting BHRT if you feel depressed, fat, having soft erection, having low sexual desire, having big belly and difficulty concentrating.

RJ CLINIC BHRT hormone replacement Therapy


What makes human really special from plants are that human body has so many hormones that don’t occur in plants. Human body is filled with many hormones that intertwined talking to each other, making sure each sub-units are working perfectly fine.

So, one can say hormones are like the post man or messenger in the body. So, imagine these ‘post men’ malfunction, dysregulated or simply absconded from work. These will cause each sub-units in our body to work at their own without any direction or simply stop working because there were no instructions received from the post men.

Hence, patients with dysregulated or depleted hormones in their body should have their hormones regulated and optimized so they can feel better, healthier and younger. For example, menopausal women, andropausal with erectile dysfunction, overweight, metabolic syndrome, subclinical hypothyroidism, and more.

Generally, for women, you should consider getting BHRT if you are moody, obese, have difficulty falling asleep, falling hair and bad skin, bad acne or feeling lousy and poor sex life after menopausal age.

For men, however, you should consider getting BHRT if you feel depressed, fat, having soft erection, having low sexual desire, having big belly and difficulty concentrating.

RJ CLINIC BHRT hormone replacement Therapy

Imagine all ‘post men’ in your body are working perfectly. Logically all sub-units of your body will function harmoniously. In turn, you will feel much healthier, better, sharper, prettier and fitter.

Studies have shown menopausal women have higher rate of cancer, heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. What has changed between a pre menopausal woman and a post menopausal woman is that after menopausal age, the ovaries of the woman completely shuts down. Hence the body completely lacks androgenic hormones such as Estrogen and Progesterone.
Without these two very important ‘post men’, body functions will deteriorate very fast, increasing rate of illness and hospitalization, resulting in poor quality of life.

Studies have also shown that by replacing hormones in post menopausal age improve quality of life, reduce osteoporotic fracture, and reduce heart attack and stroke.

Similarly in men, although depletion of hormone is not as abrupt as women counterpart. Men tends to get health problems gradually in an accumulative fashion. For example, the amount of fat in the belly area increases slowly over decades, causing inflammatory markers to be high, increasing the risk gradually for heart diseases, stroke, and cancer.



Not all hormones are the same. BHRT are bio-identical hormones that are 100% similar to your body’s hormones.Most pharmaceutical companies hormones are attached with special molecules making them NOT identical or treated as ‘FOREIGN BODY’ in our body. Over a long period, these ‘foreign body’ will increase risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer risk.Hence, Bio-identical hormones are being compounded by Anti-Ageing Doctors via a certified pharmacist. These hormones are named its original name like the ones in your body ie: estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, DHEA etc etc.Unlike those in pharmacy, those pharmaceutical brand names are labelled such as Diane, Provera, etc.


If Bio-identical hormones causes cancer, they would have done so during puberty when their levels are peaking. Ironically, cancer rate is lowest during puberty.Also, to date, there is NO SINGLE study to prove that by taking BHRT increases risk of cancer of any origin. EVERY STUDY shows the opposite. By taking BHRT reduces risk of cancer.


HeadingEvery medical procedure comes with a risk. Hence BHRT needs to be under supervision of a certified BHRT physician. These doctors are trained to increase the health benefits by many folds and at the same time monitor your condition so that the risk is negligible.  3

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